Our Element collection takes inspiration by its casual yet elegant style that is truly made to withstand all the elements nature can bring. It’s constructed by using strong yet bold and defining lines, while still light in weight with hand brushed aluminum frames. Element 5.0 has perfected itself to be strong, durable, versatile, movable, and usable year round. The weather-resistant reticulated foam seat cushions combined with generous modular group seating becomes your go-to all season entertainment center. With all these splendid details wrapped up in Element, your only decisions left are who to invite and which drinks to serve in season.
Our Element collection takes inspiration by its casual yet elegant style that is truly made to withstand all the elements nature can bring. It’s constructed by using strong yet bold and defining lines, while still light in weight with hand brushed aluminum frames. Element has perfected itself to be strong, durable, versatile, movable, and usable year round. The weather-resistant reticulateD foam seat cushions combined with generous modular group seating becomes your go-to all season entertainment center. With all these splendid details wrapped up in Element, your only decisions left are who to invite and which drinks to serve in season.
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